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Alcohol addiction

Quercus Glandium Spiritus facilitates the treatment of alcoholism. It antidotes all the bad effects of alcohol. It also helps in taking away the craving for alcohol. Quercus Glandium Spiritus also helps in abdominal pain in splenic region due to old malaria or spleen disorders and having alcoholic history. There is much flatulence with pain in old malarial cases. Spleen is enlarged and painful. Pain in hypochondria due to liver affections causing dropsy. Quercus Glandium Spiritus also helps in dyspepsia, nervous headache and bad breath due to alcohol.

Nux Vomica: Nux Vomica is also a suitable remedy for headache as a result of bad effects of so called modern living, tobacco, alcohol etc. There is a sensation as if head would burst with congestion, heaviness and pressure. Headache is of gastric origin. Headache worse in the morning, by loss of sleep, touch and noise and is better by vomiting, lying down in a dark room.


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