Menstrual Problems
Irregular menstrual cycle is a common presentation, where the periods vary between 3 to 6 weeks or longer. There are two common patterns, both of which are treatable by homeopathy.
It is called metrorrhagia if most of the periods are less than 4 weeks apart. A very short cycle, consistently less than 3 weeks, is called polymenorrhoea, or "many menses". This is often a lifestyle problem caused by poor diet, excessive caffeine and alcohol consumption, cigarette smoking and stress. Attention to these factors and the indicated constitutional homeopathic remedy, based on the patient's whole symptom pattern usually helps resolve this.
If the menses are between 4 weeks to 3 - 6 months it is known as oligomenorrhea. This may be caused either by low oestrogen or high oestrogen associated with polycystic ovarian syndrome (dealt with in more detail on a separate page). Where the menses stop completely, or fail to resume after stopping the Pill, it is called amenorrhoea
Treat Ment

Kali Phosphoricum: Kali Phosphoricum is a suitable remedy for too late or scanty menses with irritability and nervous debility. Also useful in amenorrhea with depression and yellowish scalding and acrid leucorrhea.
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