Urtica Urens has marked action on various skin problems and allergic conditions. Urticaria with burning heat and formication. Itchy skin eruptions and urticaria nodosa as a consequense of suppressed nettle rash. Urticaria disappears while lying down and reappears while getting up. Urticaria before rheumatism with fever. Burning of skin is worse during sleep. Erythema with burning and stinging. Urtica Urens also helps in allergic reactions, burns and scalds. It helps in symptoms caused due to burns, bee stings, allergic reactions, ill effects of shell fish and nettle rash.
Kali Muriaticum: Kali Muriaticum is indicated in many allergic conditions. There are vesicular eruptions containing thick white contents. Dry flour like scales on the skin. Ulcers with whitish, flour like coating or fibrinous white discharge. Also skin conditions caused due to bad effects of vaccination.
Kali Muriaticum: Kali Muriaticum is indicated in many allergic conditions. There are vesicular eruptions containing thick white contents. Dry flour like scales on the skin. Ulcers with whitish, flour like coating or fibrinous white discharge. Also skin conditions caused due to bad effects of vaccination.
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