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1Aurum Met
Aurum Met is a chief remedy for bone affections and rheumatism. The blood seems to rush from head to lower extremities causing dropsy of the lower limbs. There is a sensation as if the blood is boiling in the veins. Knees are weak with tearing pains. Pains worse in cold weather or come only in winter. Aurum Met also helps in bony affections due to syphilitic or mercurial cause. There is caries of mastoid, palate and nasal bones with terrible pain. Pain in bones worse at night driving the patient to despair.

Aurum Met is also useful in headache caused due to least mental exertion, fear, fright, anger or contradiction. Also helps in headache due to constipation. Headache with boring and tearing sensation in skull bones. Aurum Met also helps in extreme photophobia. Violent pains in bones around eyes.

Aurum Met is also indicated in mental affections which are consequent upon and incidental to bad effects of mercury and syphilis. The patient feels he has committed many unpardonable crimes. The patient is sad and has complete disgust for life. There is suicidal tendency. Profound melancholy and depressive insanity. Least contradiction excites anger. Low spirited, lifeless and has weak memory.

Aurum Met is also suitable remedy for testicular problems. It helps in undescended and undeveloped testis. There is chronic induration of testis with pain and swelling. It also helps in hydrocele.

Aurum Met also helps in heart affections like high blood pressure due to valvular lesions of arterio-sclerotic nature. Violent palpitation and anxiety with congestion of blood to head and chest. Pulse is small and feeble but rapid and irregular. Visible beating of carotid and temporal arteries.

Directions: Please refer the dosage instructions given on the product pack or use the product as directed by your physician.

Product Presentation: For detailed product description and product options like size, format and potency please call me at 00923017050969

Warnings: This product is to be used for self-limiting conditions. If symptoms do not improve in 4 days or worsen, discontinue use and seek assistance of a health professional * As with any drug, if you are pregnant or nursing a baby seek professional advise before taking this product * Keep this and all medicine out of reach of children * Store in a cool dark place * Do not use if cap seal is broken or missing * Close cap tightly after use.
                      2 Carboneum sulphuratum
 Carboneum sulphuratum has marked action on headache with dizziness. Pain is of aching type as if from a tight cap with noises in head. Ears feel obstructed. It is also useful in tinnitus with buzzing and singing noises in ears. It is also useful in chronic rheumatism. Sore bruised limbs with cramps and lightning like pains. Fingers are swollen, insensible, rigid and stiff. Gait is unsteady which is worse during dark. It is also helpful in sciatica. Flying pains returning regularly. It also chiefly helps in treatment of progressive wasting of muscles.

Directions: Please refer the dosage instructions given on the product pack or use the product as directed by your physician.

Product Presentation: For detailed product description and product options like size, format and potency please refer the FAQ page or call toll free 1.888.2796642.

Warnings: This product is to be used for self-limiting conditions. If symptoms do not improve in 4 days or worsen, discontinue use and seek assistance of a health professional * As with any drug, if you are pregnant or nursing a baby seek professional advise before taking this product * Keep this and all medicine out of reach of children * Store in a cool dark place * Do not use if cap seal is broken or missing * Close cap tightly after use.

                Chimaphila umbellata has marked action on irritation of bladder with urge to urinate. Urine is turbid, offensive containing ropy or bloody mucus. Burning micturition , strains before the flow of urine. Scanty urine. Unable to urinate without standing with feet wide apart and body bent forward. It is also useful in atrophy of breasts.

Chimaphila Umbellata also helps in woman having large breasts and tumor in mammary gland with sharp pain.

Directions: Please refer the dosage instructions given on the product pack or use the product as directed by your physician.

Product Presentation: For detailed product description and product options like size, format and potency please call me 00923017050969

Warnings: This product is to be used for self-limiting conditions. If symptoms do not improve in 4 days or worsen, discontinue use and seek assistance of a health professional * As with any drug, if you are pregnant or nursing a baby seek professional advise before taking this product * Keep this and all medicine out of reach of children * Store in a cool dark place * Do not use if cap seal is broken or missing * Close cap tightly after use

Iodium is a suitable remedy for debility and perspiration. Profound debility and loss of breath on going upstairs. Losing flesh while eating well. Intense restlessness and apprehension. Though mentally exhausted is compelled to keep busy and continue the work. The patient is weak in mind, forgetful cannot remember a little thing. Forgets what he was about to say or to do. Forgetfulness is extensive. Profound debility, slightest effort induces perspiration. Great weakness during menses. Palpitation from least exertion. Profuse sweat during fever.

Iodium is also useful in glandular affections. All the glands are hypertrophied and enlarged except mammary gland. The mammae dwindle while all other glands are enlarged, hard and nodular.

Iodium also works for gastro intestinal symptoms with throbbing pain at the pit of stomach. Indigestion from over eating with flatulence, erructation and belching. There is ravenous appetite. Patient suffers because of this hunger. He must eat every few hours. The patient is anxious and worried if he does not eat. Feels better by eating.

Iodium is also helpful in respiratory disorders. Thyroid gland is enlarged with a sensation of constriction in the throat. Dry cough with wheezing and sawing respiration. Inspiration is difficult. Also useful in pneumonia.

Directions: Please refer the dosage instructions given on the product pack or use the product as directed by your physician.

Product Presentation: For detailed product description and product options like size, format and potency please call me 00923017050969

Warnings: This product is to be used for self-limiting conditions. If symptoms do not improve in 4 days or worsen, discontinue use and seek assistance of a health professional * As with any drug, if you are pregnant or nursing a baby seek professional advise before taking this product * Keep this and all medicine out of reach of children * Store in a cool dark place * Do not use if cap seal is broken or missing * Close cap tightly after use.
Nux Vomica is a chief remedy for many gastro-intestinal complaints like biliousness, colic, constipation, diarrhea, dysentery, hemorrhoids and indigestion. Stomach troubles are usually caused by coffee, tobacco, alcohol, highly seasoned food, irregular diet, over eating etc. There is foetid ulceration with sour taste in the mouth. Sensation of weight and pain in the stomach. Indigestion with flatulence and pyrosis, tightness, sour and bitter eructations with nausea and vomiting. There is constant nausea after eating in the morning. There is a sensation that if he could only vomit he will be better. Nux Vomica can also be used for want of appetite. Stomach region is very sensitive to touch and pressure. There is intolerance of tight bandage around waist, must loosen clothes. The abdomen is bloated. Nux vomica is also useful in enlarged liver in drunkards. It also helps in gall stone colic when there is throbbing pain with jaundice. Nux Vomica also helps in treating dysentery when there is great tenesmus and mucus with stool. There is frequent ineffectual urging with gripping pain. There is only temporary relief after passing stool. There is a sensation as if not finished. Nux Vomica is also indicated in constipation. There is a constrictive sensation and pressure in rectum and anus. Obstinate constipation and diarrhea alternate in persons who have taken purgatives.

Nux Vomica is also useful in cold. There is catarrhal hoarseness in throat with stitching, spasmodic, constrictive pain. It also helps in asthma with fullness of stomach and asthma of gastro-intestinal origin. Oppressed breathing with cough dry and fatiguing. It also helps in snuffles of infants with catarrh and coryza which is dry at night and fluent in day time.

Nux Vomica is also indicated in anxiety and anger effects. The anxiety and anger is consequent upon the modern civilized life and high living. Caused because of irritation of nervous system and brain. The patient is very irritable, nervous, melancholic and impatient. Anxiety and irritability with inclination to commit suicide, though the patient is afraid to die. The patient desires to be alone. He is ill humoured, finds faults with every body and scolds them. There is low muttering delirium.

Nux Vomica also helps in intermittent fever. During fever the patient desires to be covered from head to foot in every stage, chill, heat and sweat. Patient is very chilly on least motion or being uncovered. Chill is not relieved by external heat. There is ineffectual urging for stool and urine with bitter taste in mouth during fever.

Nux Vomica is also a suitable remedy for headache as a result of bad effects of so called modern living, tobacco, alcohol etc. There is a sensation as if head would burst with congestion, heaviness and pressure. Headache is of gastric origin. Headache worse in the morning, by loss of sleep, touch and noise and is better by vomiting, lying down in a dark room.

Nux Vomica also helps in treating menstual complaints and dysmenorrhea. Menses too early, long lasting and too profuse. Blood is dark and clotted. Menses in two weeks. There is cramping pain in the abdomen during menses. It also helps in prolapse of the uterus during menses. Nux Vomica is also useful in impotence and spermatorrhea in males. There is sexual weakness and sexual mania. Nux Vomica also helps in other conditions like kidney stones, frequent urination, vertigo, worms and excessive yawning.

Product Presentation: For detailed product description and product options like size, format and potency please call me 00923017050969

Warnings: This product is to be used for self-limiting conditions. If symptoms do not improve in 4 days or worsen, discontinue use and seek assistance of a health professional * As with any drug, if you are pregnant or nursing a baby seek professional advise before taking this product * Keep this and all medicine out of reach of children * Store in a cool dark place * Do not use if cap seal is broken or missing * Close cap tightly after use.
                       6 Phosphorus
Phosphorus is a chief remedy for hoarseness and laryngitis with aphonia and painful larynx. It is a remedy for clergymen's sore throat. There is violent tickling in larynx with rawness. Cannot talk on account of pain in larynx. Hoarseness is worse in evening, while talking, laughing, reading and in cold air. Phosphorus is also useful in cough when usually left side of chest is affected. There is a sensation of weight on chest. Cough hard, dry with congestion of lung. Rusty sputum with sharp stitching pain in chest. It is also indicated in hepatisation stage of pneumonia. The upper left lobe of lung is affected. Cough and pain worse on lying on left side, while going from warm room to cold, and towards evening. Better by lying on right side.

Phosphorus is useful in gastritis with empty all gone sensation in stomach. Craves cold food and drink, icy cold, refreshing juicy things. Ice cream relieves gastric pain. Burning in stomach, better by cold food and drink but as soon as water becomes warm, it is vomited. There is also vomiting of bright red blood. Phosphorus is also helpful in diarrhoea with profuse, watery stool. Involuntary like sago like particles. There is a sensation as if the anus is wide open.

Phosphorus is also chief anti-haemorrhagic remedy hence useful in epistaxis ( bleeding from nose), menorrhagia (bleeding from uterus), haematemesis (vomiting of blood) , hemoptysis ( coughing of blood) etc. Profuse watery, bright red blood which is non-coagulable. Small wounds bleed much. Pours out freely and then ceases suddenly for a time. It is also useful in vicarious menstruation that is epistaxis instead of menses.

Phosphorus is also indicated in mental conditions when the patient is apathetic, indifferent to friends and surroundings, even to own children. Unwilling to talk. The patient is gloomy, intelligent but physically weak. Fear of death when alone. Fear of darkness. Oversensitive to external impressions like noise, touch and odour. Always wants to be magnetised.

Directions: Please refer the dosage instructions given on the product pack or use the product as directed by your physician.

Product Presentation: For detailed product description and product options like size, format and potency please call me 00923017050969

Warnings: This product is to be used for self-limiting conditions. If symptoms do not improve in 4 days or worsen, discontinue use and seek assistance of a health professional * As with any drug, if you are pregnant or nursing a baby seek professional advise before taking this product * Keep this and all medicine out of reach of children * Store in a cool dark place * Do not use if cap seal is broken or missing * Close cap tightly after use.
                   7 Plumbum Met
 Plumbum Metallicum has a marked action on alimentary disorders, especially colic and constipation. Stomach is unable to digest food. Contracture of stomach with pressure and tightness, gastralgia with constant vomiting. Plumbum Metallicum is useful for painters colic after lead poisoning. The patient cannot sleep in newly painted room. Very sensitive to lead. Colic in and around naval and radiating to all parts of the body. There is a sensation as if abdominal wall was drawn by string to the spine. Pain is neuralgic type and spasmodic in character. Pain starts around naval also radiates upward to chest and downward to pubes. Patient feels like stretching in every direction. There may also be intersussucption with strangulated, inguinal or umblical hernia causing intestinal obstruction along with colic. Colic is better temporarily by hard pressure and rubbing.

Plumbum Metallicum is also a chief remedy for constipation due to paresis of the intestine or from impaction of faeces. Constipation usually during pregnancy. Stool is hard, lumpy, black like sheep dung. Obstructed evacuation from impaction of faeces.

Plumbum Metallicum also helps in muscular atrophy. Extensor muscles affected as in piano players. It also helps in wrist drop. Muscular atrophy from sclerosis of spinal system. Single muscle or a group of muscle affected. The patient cannot raise arm or lift any thing with hand. Excessive and rapid emaciation of the affected part.

Directions: Please refer the dosage instructions given on the product pack or use the product as directed by your physician.

Product Presentation: For detailed product description and product options like size, format and potency please refer the FAQ page or call toll free 1.888.2796642.

Warnings: This product is to be used for self-limiting conditions. If symptoms do not improve in 4 days or worsen, discontinue use and seek assistance of a health professional * As with any drug, if you are pregnant or nursing a baby seek professional advise before taking this product * Keep this and all medicine out of reach of children * Store in a cool dark place * Do not use if cap seal is broken or missing * Close cap tightly after use.
                      8Sabal Serr
Sabal Serrulata is a chief remedy for cystitis. There is a constant desire to urinate at night. Difficulty in passing urine. It is useful in cystitis with enlargement of the prostrate. There is also paresis of the sphincter vesicae.

Sabal Serrulata is also useful in prostatic troubles like prostatitis and prostatic hypertrophy. There is a discharge of prostatic fluid. Coitus is also painful at the time of emission. There is wasting of testes and loss of sexual power.

Sabal Serrulata is also helps in ovaritis with tender and enlarged ovaries. There is suppressed or perverted sexual inclination. Sabal Serrulata is also indicated in atrophy of breasts. Sabal Serrulata promotes nutrition and tissue building. It helps in both general and sexual debility. 

Directions: Please refer the dosage instructions given on the product pack or use the product as directed by your physician.

Product Presentation: For detailed product description and product options like size, format and potency please call me 00923017050969


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